The <cms:contentshow> tag

This tag is used to show the value of a xml content items.


Name Description Required

The name of the content item to show the value of.

When accessing a content item with multiple values, the single values can be accessed directly by adding the index of the value to the content item name:


If no element is defined, the tag will use the element name defined in a parent node, like the contentloop tag.


When accessing a content item with multiple values, the single values can be accessed directly by adding the index attribute.

Note: if the index attribute is used together with the direct access in the element node, the index value of the index node is used.


This tag has no body content!

Example usage:

To show the value of the "Title" content item:

<cms:contentshow element="Title" />

To show the third value of the "Teaser" content item:

<cms:contentshow element="Teaser[2]" />

To show the third value of the "Teaser" content item:

<cms:contentshow element="Teaser" index="2" />

To show all values of the "Teaser" items in a loop:

<cms:contentloop element="Teaser">
<cms:contentshow />