The FlexCache Administration

The FlexCache can be administered in the "Administration" view of the OpenCms Workplace.

Note: You must have Administrator permissions or you can not use the FlexCache Administration.

Just click on the icon "FlexCache Administration". You see a page that displays some information about the current cache status with a number of options. On top of the page you can see how many Keys and how many Entries are currently in the cache.

The Keys represent parsed cache directives. For every URI resource requested in OpenCms, the URI key will be parsed only once and then saved in the cache to avoid further unnecessary parsing or access to the database. As a result, the number of keys in the cache can not be higher than the number of resources in the OpenCms VFS.

The number of Entries in the cache shows you how many variation entries have been currently generated. This number depends of course very much on the cache settings used, since for every single OpenCms resource there can theoretically be an unlimited number of cache variation entries.

Below that information list you see some buttons which allow you to either clear the cache or to have a look at the cache contents. The effects of these buttons are described below:

Clear variations only
This option clears all variations in the cache, but keeps the currently cached keys. So in case you have edited something, but not changed the cache directives, you can avoid unnecessary key parsing by just clearing the variations with this option.
Clear cache keys and variations completely
This option just clears everything in the cache.
Important: In case you publish something, the cache is (currently) also completely flushed!
Purge JSP Repository 
This option clears all entries of JSP elements.
Clear only online variations
This option is only available if caching of online resources in enabled. It just clears all "online" variations.
Clear only online keys and variations
This option is only available if caching of online resources in enabled. It clears everything from the cache that belongs to the "online" project.
Clear only offline variations
This option is only available if caching of offline resources in enabled. It just clears all "offline" variations.
Clear only offline keys and variations
This option is only available if caching of offline resources in enabled. It clears everything from the cache that belongs to the "offline" projects.
Show cached resources with keys
This option shows a list of all resources in the cache together with the cache directives (i.e. cache keys) which have been saved for them. This comes handy in case you want to check the caching behaviour or just want to make sure all your cache directives have been correctly set. It also provides an overview of all resources cache directives in one place. In case offline caching is enabled, you see 2 separate lists for the online and offline cached resources.
Show cached resources with keys and variations
With this option you see the list of cached resources (as described above). For every resource the currently generated variation entries are additionally listed. This is also very handy for controlling if everything gets cached as it should.