Bautista, C.J., Bautista, R.J., Montaño, S., Reyes-Castro, L.A., Rodríguez-Peña, O.N., Ibañez, C.A., Nathanielsz, P.W. and Zambrano, E. 2019. Effects of maternal protein restriction during pregnancy and lactation on milk composition and offspring development. British Journal of Nutrition. In press.
Cañedo, C.B., Piñon, G.A., Carrillo, D.S., Ramos, D. and Casas, V.M. 2019. Prebiotic effect of Ulva rigida meal on their intestinal integrity and serum cholesterol and triglyceride content in broilers. J Appl Phycol
Carranco, J.M.E., Barrita, R.V., Fuente, M.B., Ávila, G.E. y Sanginés, G.L. 2019. Inclusión de harina de Tithonia diversifolia en raciones para gallinas ponedoras de primer ciclo y su efecto sobre la pigmentación de yema de huevo. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias. En prensa.
Dávila, S.P., Sanginés, G.L., Amezcua, T., Solano, L. 2019. Productive performance and economic evaluation of sheep grazing on weeds in coffee plantations compared to pastures with or without supplementation. Agroforestry Systems. 93(1): 175–183.
Fuente, M.B., Carranco, J.M.E., Barrita, R.V., Ávila, G.E. y Sanginés, G.L. 2019. Effect of Tithonia diversifolia meal on productive variables in laying hens. Abanico Veterinario. 9(1):9-12.
Hernández, G.E., García, A., Garza, G.E., Avalos, A.F.G., Rivas, G.V.M., Rodríguez, R.J., Alcantará, R.V.M., Delgadillo, P.C., Camacho, C.M.R. 2019. Chemical composition of Acacia farnesiana (L) wild fruits and its activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and dysentery bacteria. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 230:74-80.
Hernández, G.E., García, A., Garza, G.E., Avalos, A.F.G., Rivas, G.V.M., Delgadillo, P.C., Camacho, C.M.R. 2019. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy data of isolated compounds from Acacia farnesiana (L) willd fruits and two esterified derivated. Data in Brief. 22: 255-268.
Holguín, V.A., Cuchillo, H.M., Mazabel, J., Martens, S.D. and Mora, D.J. 2019. Effect of the ensiled blend of Pennisetum purpureum and Tithonia diversifolia on the in vitro ruminal fermentation and the release of methane in the system RUSITEC. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias. Aceptado.
Juárez, S.M.E., Cuchillo, H.M. and Villarreal D.E. 2019. Dietary supplementation of inulin or flavomycin and type of cut of meat: effects on fatty acid profile, sensorial characteristics and consumer preference of rabbit’s meat. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias. 10(3).
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Pérez, M.J., Cuca, G.J.M., Ramírez, V.G., Carrillo, D.S., Pro, M.A., Ávila, G.E., Sosa, M.E. 2019. Evaluación de dos aceites acidulados de soya en la producción y calidad de huevo en gallinas Bovans. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias. 10(2): 283-297.
Puga, D.C., Cuchillo, H.M., León-Ortiz, L.E., Ramírez-Rodríguez, A., Cabiddu, A., Navarro-Ocaña, A., Morales-Romero, A.M., Medina-Campos, O.N. and Pedraza-Chaverri, J. 2019. Goats’ feeding supplementation with Acacia farnesiana pods and their relationship with bioactive compounds in milk: fatty acids, polyphenols and antioxidant activity. Animals. In press. 9(8). 515
Vega, G.E., Sanginés, G.L., Gómez, G.A., Hernández, B.A., Solano, L., Escalera, V.F., Loya-Olguin, J.L. 2019. Reemplazo de alfalfa con Tithonia diversifolia en corderos alimentados con ensilado de caña de azúcar y pulidura de arroz. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias. 10(2): 267-282.
Carranco, J.M.E., Fuente, M.B., Calvo, C.M.C., Carrillo, D.S., Castillo, D.R.M., Ávila, G.E. 2018. Effect on lipid fraction of egg stored at different times and temperatures of hens fed with shrimp meal Litopenaeus spp. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology. 4(10): 58-70.
Cuchillo, H.M., Wrage-Mönnig, N. and Isselstein, J. 2018. Forage selectivity of co-grazing cattle and sheep on swards differing in plant diversity. Grass and Forage Science. 73(2):320-329.
Holguín, V.A., Cuchillo, H.M., Mazabel, J. and Martens, S.D. 2018. In-vitro assessment for ensilabillity of Tithonia diversifolia alone or with Pennisetum purpureum using epiphytic lactic acid bacteria strains as inocula. Acta Scientiarum Animal Sciences. 40. e37940. 1-7.
Madrigal, A.L.V., Hernández, M.J.V., Carranco, J.M.E., Calvo, C.M.C. y Casas, R.R.G. (2018). Caracterización física y nutricional de harina del tubérculo de “Malanga” (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) de Actopan, Veracruz, México. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición. 68(2):175-183.
Puga, D.C., Cuchillo, H.M., Navarro, O.A, Medina-Campos O.N., Nieto, C.A., Lopez, T.Z.G., Díaz, M.M., Álvarez, I.M.A., Cruz, M,Y.R., Sánchez, Q.V. Gómez, F.E., Torre, V.I., Furuzawa, C.J., Camacho, C. M.R. and Pedraza-Chaverri, J. 2018. Phenolic compounds in organic and aqueous extracts from Acacia farnesiana pods analyzed by ULPS-ESI-Q-oa/TOF-MS. In vitro antioxidant activity and anti-inflammatory response in CD-1 mice. Molecules. 23.
Rodríguez, M.A., Morales, B.E., García, M.L., Quezada, T.T., Carrillo, D.S., Prado, R.O. 2018. Harina de atún negra en dietas para gallinas incrementar los ácidos eicosapentaenoico y docosahexaenoico. Abanico Veterinario 8(3):75-85.
Carranco, J.M.E., Carrillo, D.S., Fuente, M.B., Ávila, G.E. y Solano, M.L. 2017. Cambios de la fracción hidrosoluble de huevo de gallinas alimentadas con harina de camarón almacenado a diferentes tiempos y temperaturas. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias. 8: 365-373.
Cuchillo, H.M., Wrage-Mönnig, N. and Isselstein, J. 2017. Behavioral patterns of (co-)grazing cattle and sheep on swards differing in plant diversity. Applied Animal Behavior Science. 191: 17-23.
García, C.V., López, U.E., Villanueva, S.O., Ávila, R.M.A., Zentella, D.A. Cortés, G.C., López C.C., Jacobo, H.N. and Pérez, P.C. 2017. Targeting metabolic remodeling in triple negative breast cancer in a murine model. Journal of Cancer. 8: 178-189.
Melo, R.V., Sánchez, H.K., Schettino, B.B., Márquez, C.B. and Calvo, C.C. 2017. On the use of selenium in iodine deficiency disorders. Trace Elements in Medicine. 18(2): 48-50.
Ortiz, B.R.J., García, G.L.L., Ocádiz, G.A., Flores, T.J., García, V.A., González, H.M., Muñoz, H.L., Ortiz, F.M.C., Ramírez, A.M., Reyna, T.S. y Villanueva, S.O. 2017. Matricaria chamomilla (extracto acuoso) induce mejoría en lesiones tipo-dermatitis atópica en un modelo marino. Revista Médica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. 55: 587-593.
Roldán, A.J.A., Álvarez, I.M.A., Carrasco, Q.M.R., Guarneros, S.N., Ledesma S.J.A., Cuchillo H.M. and Chávez, V.A. 2017. Marginalization and health service coverage among indigenous, rural, and urban populations: a public health problem in Mexico. Rural and Remote Health Journal. 17(4):3948.
Villanueva, S.O., Carrillo, D.S. and Ávila, G.E. 2017. A review: hens laying welfare indicators, a world view. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology. 3: 1-8.
Zamora, V., Figueroa, J.L., Cordero, M.J.L., Nieto, A.R., García, C.M.A., Sánchez, T.M.T., Carrillo, D.S. and Martinez, A.J.A. 2017. Conjugated linoleic acid supplementation does not improve boar semen quality and does not change its fatty acid profile. Revista Veterinaria México. 4(3). doi:10.21753/vmoa.4.3.387
Arroyo, C.L.B., García, M.C.G., Santiago, S.M.S., Montaño, B.S., Ledesma, S.J.A., Castillo, A.M.E., Peña, P.Z. y Silencio, B.J.L. 2016. Comparación de la ingestión de nutrimentos en niños menores de dos años con y sin desnutrición. Revista Mexicana de Pediatría. 83: 7-14.
Calvo, C.M.C., Carranco, J.M.E., Carrillo, D.S., Sanginés, G.L., Fuente, M.B. and Ávila ,G.E. 2016. Physical and chemical changes in the soluble fraction of eggs from hens fed with Pleuroncodes planipes (red crab), stored for different lengths of time at different temperatures. International Journal Science Research Science and Technology. 2(4): 64-71.
Calvo, C.M.C., Carranco, J.M.E., Salinas, C.A. y Carrillo, S. 2016. Composición química de la harina de calamar gigante Dosidicus gigas. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición. 66(1): 74-81.
Carranco, J.M.E., Calvo, C.M.C., Carrillo, D.S., Fuente, M.B. and Ávila, G.E. 2016. Red crab (Pleuroncodes planipes) meal in laying hen rations and their effect on lipid fraction and oxidation of egg stored at different times and temperatures. International Journal Science Research Science and Technology. 2(6): 49-55.
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Juárez, M.E., Carlin, S.C., Rebollo, F., Verdugo, R.A. and Martínez, G.D. 2016. Sensory Evaluation of cooked pork meat (M.Biceps femoris) fed with and without ractopamine hydrochloride associated to age but not gender of the non-trained panelist. Journal of Animal Plant Sciences. 26(1): 40-45.
Juárez, S.M.E., Cuchillo, H.M., Torres, A.I., Villarreal, V.E.L. and Castillo, D.R.M. 2016. Inulin and flavomicine as growth promoters in rabbit diets: effects on animal performance, cecum´s crypts depth and serum-bone macrominerals (Ca, P, Mg). Journal of Dairy Science. 99(E-Supplement 1): 391.
Martínez, A.J.A., González, A.M.J., Miranda, R.L.A., Carrillo, D.S. and Castillo, D.R.M. 2016. Sustitución de aceite de soya por aceite de atún en la dieta de pollos como alternativa para enriquecer la carne con ácidos grasos omega 3. Interciencia. 41(12): 851-856.
Melo, R.V., Schettino, B.B., Rodríguez, D.J., Díaz, GR., Calvo, C.C. and Gazga, U.C. 2016. Chia seeds (Salvia hispánica L) wild plant rich in nutrients. Journal of Life Sciences. 10: 221-227.
Rudel, K.T., Kwon, O.J., Paul, B., Boval, M., Rao, I.M., Burbano, D., McGroddy, M., Lerner, A., White, D., Cuchillo, M., Luna, M. and Peters, M. 2016. Do smallholder, mixed crop-livestock livelihoods encourage sustainable agricultural practices?: A meta-analysis. Land. 5(1):6.
Bautista, C.J., Montaño, S., Ramírez, V., Morales, A., Nathanielsz, P.W., Bobadilla, N.A., and Zambrano, E. 2015. Changes in milk composition in obese rats consuming a high-fat diet. British Journal of Nutrition. 115(3):538-46.
Cab, J.F.E., Ortega, C.M.E., Quero, C.A.R., Enríquez, Q.J.F., Vaquera, H.H. y Carranco, J.M.E. 2015. Composición química y digestibilidad de algunos árboles tropicales forrajeros de Campeche, México. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas. 11: 2199-2204.
Castro, G.M.I. y Carrillo, D.S. 2015. Impacto de seis técnicas de cocción sobre el perfil de ácidos grasos en Makaira nigricans (Marlin) y Merluccius productus (Merluza). Nutrición Hospitalaria. 32(3): 1289-1299.
Castro, G.M.I., Maffs, R. and Pérez-Gil, R.F. 2015. Effect of six different cooking techniques in the nutritional composition of two fish species previously selected as optimal for renal patients diet. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 52(7): 4196-4205.
Delgadillo, P.C., Castillo, M.R., Cuchillo, H.M., Díaz, M. and Montaño, B.S. 2015. Radical scavenging activity and health and risk fatty acid indices of soft goats’ milk cheeses. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Producción Animal. 23(1): 21-26.
Delgadillo, P.C., Cuchillo, H.M., Espinosa, M.J.G., Medina, C.O.N., Molina, J.E., Díaz, M.M., Álvarez, I.M., Ledesma, S.J.A. and Pedraza, C.J. 2015. Antioxidant activity and protection against oxidative-induced damage of Acacia shaffneri and Acacia farnesiana pods extracts: in vitro and in vivo assays. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 15: 435.
Gómez, G.A., Loya, O.J.L., Sanginés, G.L. y Gómez, G.J.A. 2015. Composición química y producción del pasto Pennisetum purpureum en la época de lluvias y diferentes estados de madurez. Edúcate con Ciencia. 6(6): 68-74.
Gómez, G.A., Sanginés, G.L., Hernández, B.J.A. y Benítez, M.J.A. 2015. Evaluación químico proximal de ensilado de maíz (variedad DK2034) en diferentes tiempos de fermentación. Edúcate con Ciencia. 7(8): 62-68.
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Pérez, C.M.L., Cerda, T.A., Díaz,V.J., Delgadillo, P.C., Díaz, M.M. and Alemán, G. 2015. Physiological effects of agroindustrial co-products: cactus (Opuntia ficus) pear peel flour and stripe apple (Malus domestica) marc flour on wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus). Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. 14(6): 346-352.
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Rodríguez, L.F., Mondragón, V.T., Montaño, B..S., García, C.M.A., Santiago, S.M.S., Millian, S., Beltrán, M.E., Quintero, M.I., Ladrón de Guevara I.S. and Silencio, B.J.L. 2015. Total fatty acids content of erythrocyte membrane phospholipids in healthy children from birth to 6 years old. International Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health. 3: 21-30.
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Delgadillo, P.C., Sanchez, M.B., Nahed, T.J., Cuchillo, H.M., Díaz, M.M., Reyes H.A. and Castillo D.R.M. 2014. Fatty acid content, health and risk indices, physicochemical composition and somatic cell counts of milk from organic and conventional farming systems in tropical southeastern Mexico. Tropical Animal Health and Production. 46(5): 883-888.
Gómez, G.A., Partida, H.M., Ramírez, D.R., Ramírez, R.J.C., Gómez, G.J.A., González, M.M. y Sanginés, G.L. 2014. Efecto de la inclusión del fruto de Guazuma ulmifolia como sustituto del maíz en la dieta sobre el comportamiento productivo y rendimiento en canal de ovinos pelibuey. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems. 17: 215-222.
Martínez, A.M., Figueroa, V.J.L., Zamora, Z.V., Cordero, M.J.L., Gaytan, C.N., Sánchez, T.M.T., Carrillo, D.S. and Castillo, D.R.M. 2014. Effect of CLA supplementation to low-protein diets on the growth performance, carcass characteristics, plasma urea nitrogen concentration, and fatty acids profile in the meat of pigs. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology. 57(5): 742-754.
Pérez-Gil, F., Carranco, J.M.E., Calvo, C.M.C., Solano, L. y Martínez, I.T.J. 2014. Caracterización química de panojas y vainas con semillas nativas del estado de Guerrero, México, para uso en la alimentación animal. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias. 5(3): 307-319.
Vega, E., Loya, J.L., Gómez, A., Gónzalez, M., Pérez-Gil, F. and Sanginés, L. 2014. Effect of Tithonia diversifolia and rice polishing supplementation on digestibility in ovine diets based on sugar cane silage. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems. 17: 338. ISSN: 1870-0462.
Castro, G.M.I., Maffs, R.A.G. y Galindo, G.C. 2013. Perfil de ácidos grasos de diversas especies de pescados consumidos en México. Revista de Biología Tropical 61(4): 1981-1998.
Castro, G.M.I., Maffs, R.A.G. y Pérez-Gil, F. 2013. Variación del perfil de ácidos grasos en atún, trucha marina y pámpano sometidos a seis técnicas de cocción. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición. 63(1): 74-86.
Castro, G.M.I., Maffs, R.A.G., Silencio, B.J.L., Galindo, G.C. and Pérez-Gil, F. 2013. Evaluation of the possible inclusion of certain fish species in chronic kidney disease diets based on the adverse and beneficial nutrient ratios. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 64(1): 82-88.
Cuchillo, H.M., Puga, D.C., Wrage, N., Espinosa, M.J.G., Montaño, B.S., Navarro-Ocaña, A., Ledesma, J.A. Diaz, M. and Pérez-Gil, R.F. 2013. Chemical composition, antioxidant activity and bioactive compounds of vegetation species ingested by goats on semiarid rangelands. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences. 22(2): 79-88.
Holguin, A.V., Cuchillo, H.M. and Martens, S. 2013. Acidification of Tithonia diversifolia´s fodder to silage by inoculation of native strains and commercial additives. Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias. 26 (Suplemento): 468.
Melo, R.V., Sánchez, H.K., Sandoval, T.H., Quirino, B.T. and Calvo, C.C. 2013. Lipids data composition of edible ant eggs Liometopum apiculatum M. escamoles. Journal of Life Sciences. 7(5): 547-552.
Melo, V., Calvo, C., Quirino, T., Macin, S. and Muñiz, I. 2013. Escamoles ant eggs Liometopum apiculatumm source of metal ions for human health. Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 7: 556-559.
Melo, V., Vargas, N., Quirino, T. and Calvo, C. 2013. Moringa oleífera L. An underutilized tree with macronutrients for human health. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 25(10): 785-789.
Morales, E.B., González, M.J., Castillo, R.M., Prado, R.O., Hernández, V.X., Menconi, A., Téllez, G., Hargis, B.M. and Carrillo, D.S. 2013. Fatty acid deposition on broiler meat in chickens supplemented with tuna oil. Food and Nutrition Sciences. 4: 16-20.
Morales, E.B., González, M.J., Castillo, RM., Prado, R.O., Hernández, V.X., Menconi, A., Téllez, G., Hargis, B.M. and Carrillo, D.S. 2013. Effect of time and fatty acid composition in eggs of White Leghorn hens supplemented with tuna oil. Food and Nutrition Sciences. 4: 39-44.
Pérez, M.J., Cuca, G.J.M., Carrillo, D.S., Ramírez, V.G., Martínez, A. y Ávila, G.E. 2013. Evaluación de dos acidulados de soya en pollas Bovans de un día a 18 semanas. Agroproductividad. 6(6): 42-50.
Salas, M.R., Torres, A.I., Villarreal, D.E., Juárez, S.ME., Azaola, A. and Pérez-Gil, RF. 2013. Inulin as a growth promoter in diets for rabbits. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia. 42(12): 885-891.
Toral, N., Sánchez, M.B., Mena, Y., Ruiz, R.J., Aguilar, J.R., Castel, J.M., Ruiz, F.A., Orantes, Z.M., Manzur, C.A., Cruz, L.J. and Delgadillo, P.C. 2013. Feasibility of converting agrosilvopastoral systems of dairy cattle to the organic production model in South Eastern Mexico. Journal of Cleaner Production. 43: 136-145.
Carrillo, D. S., Ávila, G.E., Vásquez, P.C., Fuente B., Calvo, C.C., Carranco, J.M.E. and Pérez-Gil, R. F. 2012. The effects of adding vitamin E to diets supplemented with sardine oil on the production of laying hens and fatty-acid composition of eggs. African Journal of Food Science. 6(1): 12-19.
Carrillo, D.S., Avila, G.E., Vasquez, P.C., Calvo, C.C., Carranco, J.M.E. y Pérez-Gil, R.F. 2012. Modificación en la composición de ácidos grasos del huevo al suministrar en forma combinada aceite de sardina y ácido linoleico conjugado en dietas para gallinas ponedoras. Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria. 44: 243-251.
Carrillo, D.S., Bahena, A., Casas, V.M., Carranco, J.M.E., Calvo, C.C., Avila, G.E. and Pérez-Gil, R.F. 2012. The marine algae Sargassum spp. as an alternative for reducing the cholesterol content of eggs. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science. 46(2):1-6.
Carrillo, D.S., Ríos, V. H., Calvo, C., Carranco, M. E., Casas, M. and Pérez-Gil, R.F. 2012. N-3 fatty acid content in eggs laid by hens fed with marine algae and sardine oil and stored at different times and temperatures. Journal of Applied Phycology. 24:593-599.
Castro, G.M.I., Maffs, R.A.G. y Galindo, G.C. 2012. La dieta del paciente renal. ¿se puede incluir pescado?. Nutricion Hospitalaria. 27(5): 1489-1495.
Castro, G.M.I., Maffs, R.A.G., Galindo, G.C. y Pérez-Gil, R.F. 2012. Evaluación de 10 especies de pescado para su inclusión como parte de la dieta renal, por su contenido de proteína, fósforo y ácidos grasos. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición. 62(2): 127-136.
Galindo, G.C., Castro, G.M.I. Barrita, S.J.L., and Maafs, R.A.G. 2012. Proteín, phosphorus and EPA+DHA in 14 fish species, as nutrients to be considered in renal diet. FASEB J. 26(1): 636.9
Rosado, J.L, Díaz, M.M., Muñoz, E., Westcott, J.L., González, K.E., Krebs, N.F., Caamaño, M.C. and Hambidge, M. 2012. Bioavailability of zinc oxide added to corn tortilla is similar to that of zinc sulfate and is not affected by simultaneous addition of iron. Food Nutrition Bulletin. 33(4): 261-66.
Carranco, J.M.E., Calvo, C.C. y Pérez-Gil R.F.2011. Carotenoides y su función antioxidante: revisión. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición. 61(3): 233-241.
Carranco, J.M.E., Calvo, C.C., Carillo, D.S., Ramírez, C.R., Morales, R.E., Sanginés, G.L., Fuente, M.B., Ávila, G.E. and Pérez-Gil, R.F. 2011. Crustacean meal in laying hen rations. Effect on productive variables and sensory evaluation of eggs stored in different conditions. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science. 45(2): 171.
Castro, G.M.I. y Pérez-Gil, R.F.2011. Composición química del huevo de Tortuga Golfina Lepidochelys olivácea (Testudines: Cheloniidae) y su potencial como recurso alimenticio. Revista de Biología Tropical. 59 (4): 1729-1742.
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