Artículos en revistas arbitradas


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Artículos en revistas arbitradas

Borja-Magno, A., Guevara-Cruz, M., Flores-López, A., Carrillo-Domínguez, S., Granados, J., Arias, C., Perry, M., Sears, B., Bourges, H., Gómez, F.E. 2023. Differential effects of high dose omega-3 fatty acids on metabolism and inflammation in patients with obesity: eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid supplementation. Frontiers in Nutrition. 5(10):1156995.

Calvo-Carrillo, M.C., Carranco-Jáuregui, M.E., López-Méndez, O.X., Solano, M.L. and Corones-Flores, F. Aprovechamiento alternativo de calamar (Dosidicus gigas) como fuente de proteína para la fortificación de pan tipo baguette. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición. 2023; 73(3):191-200.

Carrillo-Domínguez, S., Rodríguez-Martínez, R.E., Díaz Martínez, M., Magaña-Gallegos, E. and Cuchillo-Hilario, M. 2023. Potential application of pelagic sargassum meal in animal feeding. Journal of Applied Phycology. 35:433–444.

Castillo-López, E., Pérez-Avendaño, R., Ramírez-Álvarez, H., Cuchillo-Hilario, M., Díaz-Sánchez, V. and Garzón-Pérez. C. 2023. Selective decline of bacteria colonizing the calf hindgut during colostrum to milk transition, with persistence of taxa correlating with host passive Immunity. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 76(1): ovac052.

Delgadillo-Puga, C., Sánchez-Castillo, D.R., Cariño-Cervantes, Y.Y., Torre-Villalvazo, I., Tovar-Palacio, C., Vásquez-Reyes, S., Furuzawa-Carballeda, J., Acevedo-Carabantes, J.A., Camacho-Corona, M.d.R., Guzmán-Mar, J.L., et al. Vachellia farnesiana pods or a polyphenolic extract derived from them exert immunomodulatory, metabolic, renoprotective, and prebiotic effects in mice fed a high-fat diet. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023; 24(9):7984.

Delgadillo-Puga, C., Torre-Villalvazo, I., Cariño-Cervantes, Y.Y, García-Luna, C., Soberanes-Chávez, P., de Gortari, P., Noriega, L.G., Bautista, C.J., Cisneros-Zevallos, L. Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton) seeds intake increases energy expenditure and reduces fat mass in mice by modulating neural circuits that regulate adipose tissue lipolysis and mitochondrial oxidative metabolism in liver and skeletal muscle. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023; 24(4):3909.

Delgadillo-Puga C, Torre-Villalvazo I, Noriega LG, Rodríguez-López LA, Alemán G, Torre-Anaya EA, Cariño-Cervantes YY, Palacios-Gonzalez B, Furuzawa-Carballeda J, Tovar AR, et al. pecans and its polyphenols prevent obesity, hepatic steatosis and diabetes by reducing dysbiosis, inflammation, and increasing energy expenditure in mice fed a high-fat diet. Nutrients. 2023; 15(11):2591.

Fuente-Martínez, B., Carranco-Jáuregui, M.E., Carrillo-Domínguez, S., Tejeda-Jarero, L., Calvo-Carrillo, M.C. Estudio preliminar de energía metabolizable y digestibilidad íleal aparente de aminoácidos de harina de calamar gigante (Dosidicus gigas) en dietas para pollo. Abanico Veterinario. 2023; 13: 1-1.


Álvarez, I.M.A., Galindo, G.C., Roldán, A.J.A., Saucedo, A.G., Díaz, M.M., Chávez, V.A. and Cuchillo, H.M. 2022. Migration effects on Rarámuri indigenous minority: neurodevelopment of children and health care and sociodemographic characteristics of mothers. Annals of Psychology. 38(2): 239-250.

Barrera-García, V.D., Calvo-Carrillo M.C. 2022. Descripción sensorial de flores comestibles para su uso como especias en el desarrollo de condimentos. Turmia, 4 (1):111-129

Bautista-Ramírez, P.E., Barrera-García, V.D. y Calvo-Carrillo, M.C., Tinoco-Martínez, J.G. 2022. Desarrollo de un queso tipo crema a base de kéfir para personas con intolerancia a la lactosa. Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos, 7:304-310.

Calvo-Carrillo M.C., Carranco-Jáuregui M.E., López-Méndez O.X., y Calvo Morales O. R. 2022. Elaboración de un pan tipo “baguette” a base de harinas de trigo y calamar gigante para obtener un producto con mayor aporte de proteína. Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos, 7:197-201.

Calvo-Carrillo M.C., Carranco-Jauregui, M.E. y Barrera-García, V.D. 2022. Desarrollo de un sazonador a base de harina de calamar gigante (Dosidicus gigas) y vegetales deshidratados. Turmia 4(1): 154-170.

Calvo-Carrillo, M.C., Calvo-Morales, O.R., López, O.X. y Carranco-Jauregui, M.E. 2022. Ate de guayaba (Psidium guajava L) bajo en calorías. Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos, 7:311-316.

Coronel-Flores, F., Palacios del Río, MLópez-Méndez, O.X. y Calvo-Carrillo, M.C. 2022. Tortillas de maíz azul (Zea mays L.) con harina de garbanzo (Cicer arietinum L.). Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos, 7:20-25.

De La Cruz-Reyes, C.E , Barrera-García, V.D. y Calvo-Carrillo, M.C. 2022. Desarrollo de una bebida alcohólica a base de amaranto. Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos, 7:317-321.

Fernández-Torres, J., Zamudio-Cuevas, Y., Martínez-Nava, G. A., Aztatzi-Aguilar, O. G., Sierra-Vargas, M. P., Lozada-Pérez, C. A., Suárez-Ahedo, C., Landa-Solís, C., Olivos-Meza, A., Del Razo, L. M., Camacho-Rea, M.C. and Martínez-Flores, K. 2022. Impact of Cadmium mediated by tobacco use in musculoskeletal diseases. Biological Trace Element Research. 200(5): 2016.

Martinez-Armenta, C., Suarez-Ahedo, C., Olivos-Meza, A., Camacho-Rea, M.C., Martínez-Gómez, L.E., Jimenez-Gutierrez, G.E., Martínez-Nava, G.A., Gomez-Quiroz, L.E., Pineda, C. and López-Reyes, A. The critical role of hypoxia in the re-differentiation of human articular chondrocytes. Cells. 2022. 11(16):2553.

Martínez-Gómez, L.E., Herrera-López. B., Martínez-Armenta. C., Ortega-Peña, S., Camacho-Rea, M.D.C., Suarez-Ahedo, C., Vázquez-Cárdenas, P., Vargas-Alarcón, G., Rojas-Velasco, G., Fragoso, J.M., Vidal-Vázquez, P., Ramírez-Hinojosa, J.P., Rodríguez-Sánchez, Y., Barrón-Díaz, D., Moreno, M.L., Martínez-Ruiz, F.J., Zayago-Angeles, D.M., Mata-Miranda, M.M., Vázquez-Zapién, G.J., Martínez-Cuazitl, A., Barajas-Galicia, E., Bustamante-Silva, L., Zazueta-Arroyo, D., Rodríguez-Pérez, J.M., Hernández-González, O., Coronado-Zarco, R., Lucas-Tenorio, V., Franco-Cendejas, R., López-Jácome, L.E., Vázquez-Juárez, R.C., Magaña, J.J., Cruz-Ramos, M., Granados, J., Hernández-Doño, S., Delgado-Saldivar, D., Ramos-Tavera, L., Coronado-Zarco, I., Guajardo-Salinas, G., Muñoz-Valle, J.F., Pineda, C., Martínez-Nava, G.A. and López-Reyes, A. 2022. ACE and ACE2 gene variants are associated with severe outcomes of COVID-19 in men. Frontiers in Immunology. 13:812940.

Martínez-Gómez, L.E., Ibarra-González, E., Fernández-Lainez, C., Tusie, T., Moreno-Macías, H., Martinez-Armenta, C., Jimenez-Gutierrez, G.E., Vázquez-Cárdenas, P., Vidal-Vázquez, P., Ramírez-Hinojosa, J.P., Rodríguez-Zulueta. A.P., Rojas-Velasco, G., Sánchez-Muño, F., Posadas-Sanchez, R., Martínez-Ruiz, F.J., Zayago-Angeles, D.M., Moreno, M.L., Barajas-Galicia, E., López-Cisneros, G., González-Fernández., N.C., Ortega-Peña, S., Herrera-López, B., Olea-Torres, J., Juárez-Arias, M., Rosas-Vásquez, M., Cabrera-Nieto, S.A., Magaña, J.J., Camacho-Rea, M.C., Suarez-Ahedo, C., Coronado-Zarco, I., Valdespino-Vázquez, M.Y., Martínez-Nava, G.A., Pineda, C., Vela-Amieva, M., López-Reyes, A. and Mex-Gen-COVID Initiative Group. 2022. Metabolic reprogramming in SARS-CoV-2 infection impacts the outcome of COVID-19 patients. Frontiers in Immunology. 13: 936106.

Morales, B.J.E., Carranco, J.M.E., Téllez, I.G., Sandoval, M.A.L., González, A.M. and Carrillo, D.S. 2022. Giant squid (Dosidicus gigas) meal in chicken diets to enrich meat with n-3 fatty acids. Animals, 12(17): 2210.

Sánchez-Albarrán, L.I., Romo-Calderón, S.G., Barrera-García, V.D. y Calvo-Carrillo. M.C. 2022. Desarrollo de una jalea de jamaica (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) utilizando sustitutos de azúcar. Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos, 7:349-353.


Delgadillo-Puga, C. and Cuchillo-Hilario, M. 2021. Reviewing the benefits of grazing/browsing semiarid rangeland feed resources and the transference of bioactivity and pro-healthy properties to goat milk and cheese: obesity, insulin resistance, inflammation and hepatic steatosis prevention. Animals. 11(10): 2942.

Fernandez‑Torres, J., Zamudio‑Cuevas, Y., Martinez‑Nava, G.A., Aztatzi‑Aguilar, O.G., Sierra‑Vargas, M.P., Lozada‑Perez, C.A., Suarez‑Ahedo, C., Landa‑Solis, C., Olivos‑Meza, A., Del Razo, L.M., Camacho‑Rea, M.C. and Martinez‑Flores. K. 2021. Impact of Cadmium mediated by tobacco use in musculoskeletal diseases. Biological Trace Element Research.

Holguín, V.A., Cuchillo, H.M., Mazabel, J., Quintero, S., Martens, S.D. and Mora-Delgado, J. 2021. In vitro methane production and fermentative parameters of wild sunflower and elephant grass silage mixtures, either inoculated or not with epiphytic lactic acid bacteria strains. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias. 12(3):789-810.

Holguín, V.A., Cuchillo, H.M. and Mora-Delgado, J. 2021. Indicators of aerobic stability in silages of the mixture Tithonia diversifolia/Pennisetum purpureum enriched with Lactobacillus. Revista UDCA Actualidad y Divulgación Científica. 24:2:e2093.

López-Reyes, A., Medina-Luna, D., Santamaría-Olmedo, M., Martínez-Flores, K., Zamudio-Cuevas, Y., Fernández-Torres, J., Martínez-Nava, G.A., Olivos-Meza, A., Camacho-Rea, C., Fernández-Moreno, M., Blanco, F.J. and Pineda, C. 2021. Soluble inflammatory mediators of synoviocytes stimulated by monosodium urate crystals induce the production of oxidative stress, pain, and inflammation mediators in chondrocytes: secretome of synoviocytes induces chondrocyte damage. Clinical Rheumatology. 40(8):3265-3271.

Martinez-Armenta, C., Camacho-Rea, M.C., Martínez-Nava, G.A., Espinosa-Velázquez, R., Pineda, C., Gomez-Quiroz, L.E. and López-Reyes, A. 2021. Therapeutic potential of bioactive compounds in honey for treating osteoarthritis. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 12:642836.

Nahed-Toral, J., López-Tecpoyotl, Z.G., Aguilar-Jiménez, J.R., Grande-Cano, D.; Delgadillo-Puga, C. 2021. Compliance of goat farming under extensive grazing with the organic standards and its contribution to sustainability in Puebla, Mexico. Sustainability. 13(11): 6293.

Ramírez-Bribiesca, E.F., Hernández-Cruz, L., Cruz-Monterrosa, R.G., Guerrero-Legarreta, I., Mota-Rojas, D., Rayas-Amor, A.A., Domínguez-Vara, I.A., Avendaño-Reyes, L., Corona-Gochi, L., Cuchillo-Hilario, M. 2021. The effects of diets containing two corn stubble levels and three non-hydrogenated lipids sources on fattening performance, carcass, and meat quality of male hair-lambs. Italian Journal of Animal Science. 20(1): 406-418.

Torres, A., Noriega, L.G., Delgadillo-Puga, C., Tovar, A.R. and Navarro-Ocaña, A. 2021. Caffeoylquinic acid derivatives of purple sweet potato as modulators of mitochondrial function in mouse primary hepatocytes. Molecules. 26(2): 319.

Pérez-Martínez, J., Cuca-García, J.M,, Becerri,l C.M,, Pro-Martínez, A,, Hernandez-Mendo O, González-Alcorta, M, Valdez-Narvaez, V. and Carrillo-Domínguez, S. 2021. Distillers dried grains with solubles from maize and xylanase supplementation in bovans white pullets and hens. Agrociencia. 55:417-431.

Zambrano, E., Rodríguez-González, G.L., Reyes-Castro, L.A., Bautista, C.J., Castro-Rodríguez, D.C., Juárez-Pilares, G., Ibáñez, C.A., Hernández-Rojas, A., Nathanielsz, P.W., Montaño, S., Arredondo, A., Huang, F., and Bolaños-Jiménez, F. 2021. DHA supplementation of obese rats throughout pregnancy and lactation modifies milk composition and anxiety behavior of offspring. Nutrients, 13(12), 4243.


Cisneros-Zevallos, L., Bang, W. Y., Delgadillo-Puga, C. Ellagic acid and urolithins A and B differentially regulate fat accumulation and inflammation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes while not affecting adipogenesis and insulin sensitivity. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, 21(6).

Delgadillo-Puga, C.; Noriega, L.G.; Morales-Romero, A.M.; Nieto-Camacho, A.; Granados-Portillo, O.; Rodríguez-López, L.A.; Alemán, G.; Furuzawa-Carballeda, J.; Tovar, A.R.; Cisneros-Zevallos, L.; Torre-Villalvazo, I. Goat’s Milk Intake Prevents Obesity, Hepatic Steatosis and Insulin Resistance in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet by Reducing Inflammatory Markers and Increasing Energy Expenditure and Mitochondrial Content in Skeletal Muscle. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21(15): 5530.

Holguín, V.A., Cuchillo, H.M., Mazabel, J. Quintero, S. and Mora-Delgado, J. 2020. Effect of a Pennisetum purpureum and Tithonia diversifolia silage mixture on in vitro ruminal fermentation and methane emission in a RUSITEC system. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias. 11(1):19-37.

Jerrentrup, S.J., Komainda, M., Seither, M., Cuchillo, H.M., Wrage-Mönnig, N. and Isselstein, J. 2020. Diverse swards and mixed grazing of cattle and sheep for an improved productivity. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 3:15.

Martínez-Nava GA, Mendoza-Soto L, Fernández-Torres J, Zamudio-Cuevas Y, Reyes-Hinojosa D, Plata-Rodríguez R, Olivos-Meza A, Ruíz-Huerta EA, Armienta-Hernández MA, Hernández-Álvarez E, Vargas-Sandoval B, Landa-Solís C, Suárez-Ahedo C, Barbier OC, Narváez-Morales J, Del Razo LM, Camacho-Rea MC, Martínez-Flores K. 2020. Effect of cadmium on the concentration of essential metals in a human chondrocyte micromass culture. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 62:126614. doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2020.126614. Epub 2020 Jul 11. PMID: 32682287.

Nutrición Animal Dr. Fernando Pérez Gil Romo
Marzo 2023