
This document describes how to migrate an existing OpenCms 6 application to OpenCms 7.

 There are two ways how to update an existing OpenCms 6 installation, the first one is to use the OpenCms upgrade wizard which will upgrade a running OpenCms 6 installation. The other way is to make a clean setup of OpenCms 7 and to transfer all modules and the content of the OpenCms 6 installation.

Since there were only minor changes to the OpenCms template mechanism, most of your templates and JSP will work in OpenCms 7 withput any changes.  The OpenCms core API has been modified, but is compatible to the API of OpenCms 6. Therefore only very few modification have to be made to your own made Java code.

Which update method should be prefered?

The best way to get a clean OpenCms 7 installation is to set up a new system and transfer all modules and content from the existing OpenCms 6 installation. This is the recommended way, especially if you have a lof of custom build modules and extensions to the default OpenCms core system.

Using this way to upgrade, you will not be able to transfer your projects to the new OpenCms 7 system, they have to recreated manually. In addition, you cannot transfer the backup verisons of your content (file history). If it is required that you keep the file history, you have to use the update wizard which will also save your defined projects. If you have your own additions to the database and/or OpenCms core however,  the update wizard might have some limitations to upgrade your system.


This document describes how to migrate your modules and content from OpenCms 6 to OpenCms 7

This document describes how to use the OpenCms Update Wizard to upgrade your OpenCms to VErsion 7.

Upgrading your JSP from Servlet 2.3 to Servlet 2.4 (JSP 2.0)