OpenCms Configuration

The default configuration file for the Static-Export feature is the ${CONTEXT_NAME}/WEB-INF/config/opencms-importexport.xml configuration file. This file configures also other import/export related features, like the Content Import/Export and the Module Import/Export features. In this document, we will address just the basic configuration. For more information, you can see a full specification of this configuration file, or a default configuration file.

The Static-Export feature is configured in the <staticexport> node. Ensure that the attribute enabled of this node is true, if you want to try it out. In the default configuration, the RFS copies of resources are stored in the ${CONTEXT_NAME}/WEB-INF/export directory. This can be configured modifying the exportpath node, which should contain a relative path to the webapp root directory.

OpenCms comes with several different Static-Export Handler classes, that determines how the Static-Export feature takes care of publish operations, like adding a new file or modifying a existing one. You can configure it by editing the handler class in the <staticexporthandler> node:

  • org.opencms.staticexport.CmsAfterPublishStaticExportHandler (default):
    This handler will export the whole site after every publish operation, it will regenerate every resource in the current project. This handler is also implicitly called when creating a full static site-mirror, via the Administration -> Static-Export menu.
  • org.opencms.staticexport.CmsOnDemandStaticExportHandler:
    This handler will just delete the RFS-copies of fresh published resources, so that they can be regenerated by the next incoming request, for reflecting the changes.
  • org.opencms.staticexport.CmsOnDemandHtmlSubtreeHandler:
    This handler is an extension to the previous one, that also deletes every RFS-copy of dynamic resources in the subtree of every fresh published resource. This is usefull for most directory based navigations.

Tomcat5 Configuration

For ensuring a proper behaviour of the static export feature, you should disable the Tomcat default directory listing feature. This can be done in the master ${TOMCAT5_HOME}/conf/web.xml configuration file, or for each application in its ${CONTEXT_NAME}/WEB-INF/web.xml configuration file. You just need to set the value of the servlet/init-param/param-value node to false, for both the default servlet and the listings parameter.

See a sample master Tomcat5 Web configuration file.

Apache Configuration

If you are using an Apache2 interface for accessing your site, you will have to redirect the unresolved requests to the OpenCms 404 Error Handler. For this, you will need to ensure that the following Apache modules are included in your ${APACHE2_HOME}/httpd.conf configuration file:

LoadModule alias_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_module modules/

LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

Then your VirtualHost definition should include a new rewrite rule like:

# Redirect all request to non-existing file in the export directory to OpenCms which will generate the files "on the fly"

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/export/(.*) [NC]
RewriteCond "%{DOCUMENT_ROOT}%{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index_export.html" !-f

Notice that an extra Tomcat Connector on port 8081 is being used, this can be configured in the ${TOMCAT5_HOME}/conf/server.xml configuration file by adding a new server/service/connector node.

See a sample Tomcat5 Server configuration file, and a sample Apache2 configuration file.

See also the com.alkacon.documentation.howto_apache-httpd documentation module.

Another approach is described in a short How-To written by Sebastian Himberger and posted at the OpenCms